Make Yourself At Home in our Modular Steel units 

Build the Perfect Modular Building

We have many options to fit your budget from raw shells to fully Finished ADU’s

Shell Only

Get exterior protection, build and add over time. You won’t believe how affordable it is.

Shipped 95% Assembled

We ship fully ready to place units – and options for all upgrades.

Interiors - your way

Buy fully finished from us, or buy raw shells, and use a local finishing company. Options.

See what our Modular Steel Buildings can function as for your needs


Steel Sheds

Hunting Blinds



Tornado Shelters

Secure Storage

Granny Flats

She Sheds

Man Caves

Horse Stalls

Barn Add-ons

See how we sell our modular steel building and how we can help you realize your goals. We produce the strongest steel modular units for multipurpose use in the world.

Fully Modular Design

We offer a fully modular design that is transportable virtually anywhere. We have specialized designs that allow for modular additions as your budget permits.

The Strongest Building

Frames are made of premium steel, here in the USA, but skilled craftspeople. We weld all joints and reinforce the frames. These units can be moved and added onto, without flex, degradation or difficulty.

Customize it for you
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Add storage
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Designed For


Featured Project

See some Layouts and Case studies

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Modern, Modular ADU

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Your Vision



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